Friday, March 16, 2012

First Sleepover

This week, Amelia decided she wanted Thomas to have a sleepover in her room. As they were discussing it at dinner, John realized he would be left out, so he kindly let them know he would be sleeping over with them. We thought for a minute he may actually enjoy having his own room, but that was not at all important to him. He tried to tell them that he was going to sleep on the down-low (trundle) bed, but Thomas had already claimed it. We realized this was T's first time sleeping on the trundle. So, here they are, pajamas matching, with Nana blankets (made by Debra's mom, Nana) and Build-A-Bears from Grandmama (Monkey Monkey, Owen the Owl, and Rover the Dachsund) and a ton of love swirling about the room...

and here is how we found them in the morning. They slept until 6:45 - a pretty normal wakeup time.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Surprise, I made a kite!

Thomas is always putting together items to create something new. Michael usually discovers his "creations" by looking and listening to him playing. He made a pepper grinder the other day with some of our "cutting food" that has halves of produce that velcro together. He used a lemon half on top and a carrot half for the long part of the grinder. He was twisting the velcro pieces back and forth to "grind" the pepper.

When I was talking to our next door neighbor and her children in the yard yesterday, Thomas discovered the twine we used to outline the new mulched beds in front of the house. He asked if he could go make something with the string, which was, of course, fine. A couple minutes later, he comes running through the yard screaming, "Look Mom, I made a kite! Isn't it a great kite?"