Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Big Steps

Today is the first day Thomas is officially walking more than crawling. He has been taking steps for over 2 months, but I think he has been afraid of "Hurricane Amelia" who often comes out of nowhere to knock him for a loop. He seems to aimlessly move from room to room. He's so proud. Unfortunately, this development happened just days after Grandmama and Granddaddy went back home to FL.

Amelia just prayed a little prayer after dinner that Daddy (who is home sick today) would feel well enough to clean up the kitchen. I backed her up on that prayer! She's also perfecting the art of imitating the nasty hacking cough that he has. She's too cute. She has an application in at the preschool across the street from our house, and I can't believe she might actually be a student somewhere next fall.

Michael's been busy going up and down the attic stairs with outgrown clothes for all the other family members while waiting for a big rain to fill his new rain barrel. He's been studying the Life of Moses in his bible study, and really enjoying the leadership role he's in.

I was excited to have my mom and stepdad up for a couple days this weekend. Mom and I repaired most of the sleepsacks Amelia chewed the zippers out of as well as sewed up some new ones for the next little ones. I'm also preparing all the baby girl clothes and shoes for a big consignment sale next week. We found out a few days ago the new baby will be a boy, so we're trying to get things organized in our cozy home for another little bundle on June 8th!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Amelia weighs in

Amelia had her 30 month well-visit yesterday. Everything was just fine.

She weighs 31 lbs (75th percentile) and is 36 inches tall (50th percentile).