Monday, January 24, 2011

KX Clothes Sort

This is my experience working the volunteer shift at Kids' Exchange. The two guys in the video are my friends Duff and Sham.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Uncle Luke's Birthday!

Today we're celebrating Uncle Luke's 34th birthday! Since Chapel Hill to Atlanta is a bit of a drive, we're sending our video wishes for a happy day. We usually buy the Uncle Luke's brand syrup from Sam's Club, so our celebration of this special day included "his" syrup, pancakes, and a stubborn candle. We hope you're having a great time today, Luke, whatever you're doing!

With love from your loyal followers... John, Thomas, and Amelia!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

All Good!

John's ECHO went well. He was completely still and calm for the procedure. We were not scheduled to see a doctor at this visit, but just to get the images of his heart taken. The doctors will be able to read them and call us back in if something looks questionable, but it did not appear that there were any holes or abnormalities. John just has a normal murmur to be documented. Thanks for your prayers!