This morning was Amelia's first day at the weeklong summer camp at the preschool she'll be attending. It took us 15 min. to walk to school from our house with the boys in the stroller. It was a pleasant walk, and the excitement was definitely in the air. The camp was called "Hawaiian Holiday" and runs 9am-1pm M-F this week only. In about 6 more weeks, Amelia will start going to preschool on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, so this camp will help her get used to things and people at the school. She was so proud to be going, but she admitted just as we left the house that she doesn't know how to read yet. When I left her there on the playground with the other kids and the teachers, it hit me. This was a really fast 3 years. The day we brought her home from the hospital wasn't THAT long ago. We'll blink and she'll be sitting there with a graduation cap on.
Back at the house, our day was filled with changing diapers, feeding boys, changing more diapers, feeding the boys again, playing, more feeding and diapers, then it was time to go get the big sister again. It was much more quiet around here than usual. Faith (our mother's helper/former K student turned teenager!) was here for a few hours to help with the boys while I got things ready for the Kids Exchange consignment sale.
When I went to pick up Amelia, she said she had a good time at school. When asked if she made any new friends, she said, "No. I didn't talk to anyone. I was quiet." My guess is that this behavior will not last too long. At least she was listening. She relayed what the teachers said about not touching anyone else's food at lunchtime. Her favorite thing was that there were two blue swimming pools, and she's looking forward to going back. And...she did take a nap when she got home!!!
Wow. A nap. Totally worth it ;0)