The big kids seem more and more ready to welcome a sibling. Amelia is becoming more independent with some things, like self-care, dressing when she's motivated, and filling up Mommy's water glass without spilling it. She went for a speech evaluation this week because she omits the "s" in a lot of initial blends and clusters. Her "ch" and "dr" don't sound quite right either, but the SLP assured me these are sounds she should master in the near future with practice. During the testing, I heard her produce the sounds correctly, so that was great. Her scores were such that she does not need any help at this time. We were a bit concerned because of her history of ear infections - almost 3 months of pretty bad ones during her first year. She's going to be great at going to find stuff I need for the baby, but hopefully will remember how to play quietly by herself like she did when Thomas was first born.
Thomas, on the other hand, was just diagnosed AGAIN today with another double ear infection that was off the Richter scale. Of course, his peaceful personality was not offset by this 3rd diagnosis. He is the master of climbing all things inside and outside our house, as well as pushing all buttons. His job this month is apparently climbing on the futon to reset the dryer buttons. Last month it was taste-testing all the fruits and vegetables on the kitchen table. Yes, actually biting into them and putting them back in the bowl. The month before that, he was assigned to turn the sunroom light and fan switches off and on constantly, leaving them all full-blast upon exiting the room. He has actually figured out how to turn on the TV using the TiVo remote and can navigate the menu to start Little Bear or Curious George. This always makes Amelia stop screaming and running, so it is pretty much a welcome skill in our world. Thomas will be sharing a room with the baby in a couple months, so they have matching (well, different colored wood) cribs on opposite sides of the room. It should be interesting to see his reaction/welcome for his little brother since his favorite activities involve pointing and sticking his finger into things. On our last flight from FL, he was touching my face and quickly stuck his finger so far into my nose, I thought he pierced my brain. It's good he responds to "No" most of the time and understands many commands. When I told him it was time to go to bed tonight, he climbed down off my chest, set my phone down, said, "Night, night" and walked into his room where daddy was waiting to sleepsack him and go through the routine. OH...Thomas has an extreme fascination with finding zippers to hold while sucking his thumb. He'll do it anywhere, anytime. He'll pull sleepwear out of drawers, stand against zippered jackets on the hooks, stretch/bend himself to grab the zippers on the couch or futon or wherever he can find them. It is quite a phenomenon.
Everyone has been to the doctor, seen the dentist, finished their swim lessons, ended Kindermusik classes, frozen the gym membership, and gotten haircuts in preparation for the next month of family time with the new baby. Granted, the haircuts were the "Oh, your MOM cut your hair!" kinds of cuts, but they work for now. Michael decided to grow a beard, hopefully not to offset the haircut he got, but just because... Not sure exactly when it became so white, but it definitely looks more like Dan's than we expected. He's happily eating a Lime popsicle from Whole Foods right now clearing off the camera card again because he thinks we may fill it up in our (hopefully) 2-day stay at UNC Hospitals this week.
I'm just sitting on the couch gestating, reading most of what is written on the web about anything of interest to me. I still know nothing about current events, but have sufficiently educated myself with lots of useless information. My recent successes have to do with attempts to organize stuff for 5 people into our 1400 sf house, to make some fun cakes - a basketball for Caleb, a train for Amelia and a soccer ball for Kirsten's wedding shower. I used fondant for the first time and had a good experience. Since begging everyone for help with the big kids (can they be considered "big" at 33 and 22 lbs???), I've had a decent amount of hangout time with friends these past few days. That's been wonderfully encouraging.
I've also been looking more at the Honda Odyssey, knowing that we'll have one at some point in the future. We're hoping to stick with our handy CR-V since it will fit 3 carseats for at least another 1-2 years until their bodies get bigger. The embarrassing vehicular upgrade will be the triple jogging stroller. It isn't that we want or need it, but our friends at the bike shop want to get it out of their inventory and are offering it at a price that can't be turned down. We figure that we should get it since our house is situated at SUCH a walkable location, the intersections will be more pedestrian friendy because of my persistent lobbying the state and town, and strollering to the park, to preschool, to the mall, down the greenways will be more interesting than dealing with carseats. The plan is to be able to take a family stroll to, say Trader Joe's, let the kids walk though the store pushing their own carts, gathering groceries, while one of us wears the baby, then we'll fill up the stroller basket with our food and we'll all stroll back home in this Baby Jogger.
Ok, well, I guess our next post will be from the hospital! Thanks for all your love and prayers!
Impressive cake--it turned out beautifully! I just had a dream and you were in it, so I thought that maybe you were having the baby. I'll be checking back to see what's happening!
ReplyDeletexo Sarah Jo
I told you her s-blend issue was age-appropriate! Thinking of you today as I saw Michael's post!! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteRhianwen does the same thing with her s followed by a consonant sounds. She can say them if she tries hard enough.
ReplyDeleteJust waiting for those first baby pics!