1. 'jamas (with the sign)
2. hurry up
3. I feel sick
4. everyone here is moving in slow motion
5. brush teeth (with the sign)
6. I want to watch Curious George!
7. Joey (immediately following #6)
8. we're out of carrots
9. Please bring me some...
10. I don't see it. Where is it? Oh, here it is.
11. Please read a book for beepin'
12. Sit DOWN! Hehehe (from a tabletop -and pointing)
13. My birthday is coming up in May (x 100000)
Amelia got accepted into the preschool across the boulevard from our house. Here is their website : http://www.binkleypreschool.org/ We're excited she'll be going in the Fall on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Michael is training her how to rest so she'll get back into a nap routine. I'm very thankful for his efforts as her non-napping was about to throw me over the edge. Despite all my tricks, she still loved to spend the time jumping naked on her bed with a stroller and a hula hoop.
Thomas has *thankfully* passed through the phase of being in love with the toilet and the trashcan. He played in the potty if the door was left open, and he threw ANYthing into the trash for a couple weeks. No telling what we missed, but we pulled out several drum mallets, books, spoons, cups, toys, shoes, etc. He continues to practice throwing items into the sink and the washer, but those are much preferred locations. He loves all things musical and tried to strum books and toys after watching our Kindermusik teacher play the guitar.
I've been busy stockpiling food for the coming months since Thomas and Michael can never seem to get enough. We've also had (no exaggeration) 10 friends who've had or are having new babies within a month or so. I'm hoping to actually get food to them but can't coordinate having the whole meal together at the same time.
We signed up for our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) box again this year. I bought it from another mom on Craigslist last summer and had a great time following the meal plan, recipes, etc. I couldn't quite decide if I'd have the energy/time to make the best use of the box this year, but finally decided that the healthy, fresh foods will be great for all of us and that since the shopping and planning are already done, it would yield better results than a bunch of frozen meals from Trader Joe's and Sam's with a little bit of effort. We hope to visit the farm soon, but I'll post some of last summer's pictures from our box and a meal for now.
Yum! I'm so glad it's getting to the season of being able to get locally grown/self grown food. I can't wait for fresh tomatoes and basil!