A few weeks ago, we took a longish (3.2 mile) walk to the pharmacy to pick up antibiotics for 2 boys who had ear infections. Amelia rode her yellow spider bike, Thomas rode the red pirate balance bike, and John rode in the stroller. Michael managed the two bikers quite well through the different neighborhoods, across the roads, down the bike path, across the highway, etc. Thomas was running as fast as he could, but kept indicated that he had some jeans/bike seat chafing. His little legs were moving so quickly. He kept saying he needed pedals to keep up with his Amelia.
I finally found a 12" Specialized bike from last year on Craigslist. Why was this particular model so important??? Well, last year when we were deciding which model to get Amelia, we would visit the bike shop, try to determine which size would work best for her, which color could be passed down to the brothers, etc. (The mechanic actually cut part of the seat post off so that we could get the 16" bike and her feet could sit flat on the ground. She hopped off the balance bike, onto the new yellow bike with a spider on the frame, and took off down the street. She was 4 years and 2 days old when she mastered it.) Each time we visited the bike shop, Thomas hopped on the smaller green spider bike and rode around the store on the training wheels. He was quite upset that he didn't get to come home with a new bike, but he was happy to have the "motorcycle" he begged out from under his beloved sister.
Recently, he shrieked when we passed the bike shop, then he told me to pull over so those bike guys can put pedals on his (balance) bike. After concluding that we actually do need a small pedal bike for him, I searched for the green spider bike he wanted so much. A red one came up on Craigslist, so I grabbed it as quickly as possible last Wed. We've taken him around the block maybe 4 times during the past week, holding onto his shirt, then just lightly touching his shirt, and this time, just holding onto his hood for starting. Shortly before this video, Thomas told me that Jesus was helping him to ride his new bike and not be afraid. Tomorrow he'll be 40 months old. Yes, that's 3 years, 4 months. Crazy kid.